Tag: cuban


Hello….Shark Tank

Yesterday was about 5 years since we originally aired on the show. Last night we aired again.WHY? I think it is a sign. I think everything is a sign. A soft nudge saying come on little girl try again. I had just yesterday morning posted the bib simplified ( sans embroidery and tag) on Etsy. I wanted to do it alone…in a way..see if I could restart the conversation at a more receiving time in history.
No need to explain why the product is made well and lasts forever. Maybe the new parents are primed to find a non label sustainable product helpful and spread it amongst themselves. The last few times I have brought it out it was an education issue..as they mentioned on Shark Tank..That is NOT the issue anymore..and  since no one else sells our bibs but me, and no one else has the patent but me, and no one else cared to knock us off..may as well give it a go. Not to make millions, not to save myself or my family not to prove a point too well, not to validate myself but perhaps to return to the game with a better attitude and perspective.
I so wish I could get my hands on the uncut footage of my Shark Tank show. I would love to explain how much of it was REAL and how much of it was cut together to make it look as it was. I am not complaining…we made good TV the Sharks and Steve and I but it was and always will be TV.

DO you have things in your life that play these types of games with you. You try to let them go but they keep knocking at your door no matter what you do.
