Tag: responsibility



It is funny. I know that my industry is probably not going to change that much in just the 7 months since HARVEYGATE…i am not even sure it is possible to fully change a system that has a systemic issue…I think what I can do is approach the system with an understanding of what I am going into.

I can move slower and with more respect in myself and manage my own choices and steps and allowing myself to choose my path.

I don’t think this awakening is going to change how women treat themselves, our daughters and each others…I think they will stop being quiet and stop keeping secrets but I am not sure they will stop objectifying themselves..

The reason I say this as one who has and struggles not to is that it would mean to go intirely against a culture that you maneuvered through and which created your station.

We were born into adjusting ourselves to attain the beauty and sex powers and we have thus used them…either for our own feeling of value or to create it for others to value us by but in the end the players…me and other women in similar games stayed in maneuvered through…for a reason…

That reason doesn’t make them less or more it makes then a reaction to
Their situation
The society around them
The internal value of worth placed on them at a young age
The external power they and their fellow woman place on Sexual Beauty
THe commercial content they digest daily
The numbers of women in power who don’t feel threatened by them

I go back to my piece about the Male Gaze-

If that is what you are charging on then your value is external
The way the world sees women has to begin with how women see women. How mothers accept daughters
How sisters support sisters and how children treat their mothers…
If we can get conversation set. Make it between us first then we can move forward but
From my own experience…
If you hold a grudge against your own female family don’t expexct the neighbors or the working arenas to be any different for you.

Objectifying ourselves is a massive businesses becasue there is a need for it.
How we have all chosen to see sex, use sex, and become the object rather than the desire itself….that’s a conversation I would like to have..

PS..BOTOX commercials for men make me sad….it is the beginning of the end of raw masculine power – which I love and desire and never want to see go away..
This is not about how they treat women..it is about how they move through the world with the most amazing confidence that is makes me aspire to NOT GIVE A SHIT as well..



Are ill actors creating our ill country?

Narrative Psycology is about looking at something from the outside. SO lets take a look from this perspective at how the film and tv world and acting content created HWO we are and HWAT we Believe.

Remember 7 times- see something 7 times and your brain will be a considerperhaps they want what we are LOOKING at.

OUr eyes give us our visions….and if our eyes are on things our brain thinks we must want that..

Advertising works this way…facebook is built this way, algorhythems that my freinds create to Remarket do this for us all-

Get off social media and you’ go through a detox a lack of information a yearning to know more about something…but what…JUNK INFORMATION is harmful and that’s what we have been fed

PAinful content is also harmful- even more so- and that is what actors and Writor s create and in that our society is birthed. Chicken or egg?

If our Actos are tapping into their pain and our writers and producers are creating them we digest it..think on it.. think about what this creates as far as a society.

Built on pain… is PAIN…sorry—— being able to NOT be angry is what we want to work on as a society.. forgive and move on reset.