Tag: habits

Why opposites attract for real…


Why opposites attract for real…

They neutralize each other in hopes of killing their own egos –

We can’t fully see ourselves from within. We need to be pulled out and in that pulling..that cracking out…we gain a wisdom of an entirely new opposite mode of living.

THe crack makes us realize there are options in how to behave in situations and who we can become all based on the simple choice of how we ACT-

Our programing was downloaded by our lineage and our environment and our TIME. But as they all change..so can we.

We can just delete a program and upload a new one.
Both take time
both require care

it is possible
and joy filled

seeing the world anew

you won’t be YOU…
you will be YOU 2.0
and guess what…
everyone will say.

WOW… you changed and you

The new you won’t know what they are talking about

unless you made a video diary to remind yourself.

bc the new version exists on the SOLE given that the old solution is obsolete and therefor.
Null and Void.

Any attention to that version mean you are NOT truly your NEW self fully and there are indeed BUGS to work out.

no one’s EGO wants to truly change
bc they know that their EGO self will have to be put to sleep forever- or so they fear,
and a new EGO self shell will emerge.. and grow until SHE too will need to be sentenced.
BUt the ego is constant…she is here to inspire and protect and create…
she thrives on freshness and is most usefull with newness

so how do we know…


WHEN THE SHIT HITS THE FAN… is prob a day late and a dollar short but still

you get what I mean.
