

My family is Close…we aren’t angry close or hostile close we are just close enough…close enough..but not tight tight…not too tight…but Close…

I am going vegetarian…I am thinking I love salads and don’t love meat…I am thinking I have another thing I have to remove from the sun goddess days and that since I con’t do much about the sun but to get myself a hat I will wear 24/7 then I best control what I can- my food..I choose vegetables…and I feel it may stick this time..reduce sugar….we all know that story…
oy Free Radical!

I am tired..I have to go to sleep…the house is tired….from the news all the news..too much news…but thank you science who can both find the issues and then offer Cures…

What happened back then..without science….we didn’t know…we let it slide…we just lived life each day until we couldn’t…

I choose a little sleep… a roller blade on the beach a hug from my loved ones and smiles soft kind loving smiles that no matter what life is not long enough…my father and all those above him are gone….gone from this earth but absorbed in my children I hear them I tug with them…we are our lineage because we are our lineage…a soul is not separate from the blood it is born in…it is born in the blood that will build it and that has been passed down and down… your soul…belongs to your body…could only exist in your body….to function…to have a say…it has to have a host…A soul’s host….that is you…

Blood line is the line of your family their spirits this mission their love…again and again I find myself repeating them…and this piano…this piano I wish I could play..I wish I could enjoy more…always wished that…even when I was young enough to remember how…it was never enough… you can’t enjoy enough ever…because this game is a relay a baton toss and that toss from the dead to the living it happens fast and we stumble we struggles and it is time that wins…turns that send us….tripping …forgetting this is not your baton at all…you pick it up when you dropped it when it was PASSED to forgot it came from someone….you created nothing… you are just finishing or trying to finish a thought…that is all you have…a thought…that was passed to you to try and figure out…explore…teach…share…etc…etc…etc..

C for all that you have done and do …you mostly teach… and we…have to …when our time comes….choose how to handle it all…I choose calm and yoga ..and teaching ….and creating…and loving…double down in LOVE.