
post RAI

so it is done all the back and forth is over for now and I am on the other side..casualty of truth is over activating the throat chakra and now…now it is about what… waiting and seeing how things LEVEL out and what is any PILL i am going to be on…

re my art and my soul work…. Jewbana and SURF

I am submitting for grants and rehearsing a play about Miami

I am taking care and being kind and consistent – I am on a ton of supplements and I am taking CBD when needed–SUPER helpful for my PMS…like just need to get myself to take it before I get so upset about the world and my life and how nothing I am…that is what my PMS says I am nothing…mening I have done nothing…i am unproductiove and that is like a knife in my heart but ya know what…I don’t have to be productive all the time and doing totally nothingness is a skill I am honing…and in that things arrive…

like today I met on the phone a woman in LA who is not going to be editing JEWBANA…i didn’t call her or ask for her but she arrived…I am blessed because ANGELS are watching out for me- guiding me and I am floating right now…taking steps but only with the wind behind me…nothing aggressive or demanding…

