Vision Vortexing as my co chat room associate says. I see it through – feel it through- know it through me. I align my inconsistencies with the feeling and push through the recasting uncomfortabilities. I know. I see. I have always seen but the truth of a visionary is too like an actor- forget me knowing the ending…step softly and kindly and curiously forward as though we are surprised because it is the anticipation that allows it to unfold in the feeling in the feeling n the feeling of freedom. Soft Success. A new form of achievement. A way to ease into your future without destroying the past. A way to tend to others as you can and to. gently but clearly step forward without abandoning…your true self and others.
De tachement is a necessity
Abandonment is a cheat
Ghosting is a tool but will surly play on repeat.
If you are interested in being connected – Tread careful when you detach. Grace is the least amount of energy and will warrant the leads amount of feed back.
I’ll order 25 books
in Print
If you please
If I dare
If I ask
If I request help
If I double down in faith of my vision
If I softly remember the point of this all
If I place my heart of the table and take my hand away
If I trust my own purpose