
Born In Bliss! Built in Truth! Executed Consciously! bibbitec

A million and one years ago I wanted to start a YOU TUBE channel- A way to communicate to people without a buffer but I wanted to make sure what I was saying would not cause more pain in the world.

I have worked very long and hard at getting myself in a place where I believe I am bibbitec.
I am born in Bliss
I am Built in Truth
I am Executing Consciously.

It took me about 5 years of really focused work to undue my wiring and today…as part of the NEW MOONYINESS I received my Circle LIGHT in the mail and for some reason I am ready. I woke up and started typing about it and then the egg ALMARM and then the UPS with the LIGHT delivery simultaneously on the exact same minute…

I am cleared- I hear other people’s thoughts… and they are not mine…
I am not them…I have to let those go after visits and know that I have admitted that I am free…to move on.
I am thankful for my inspiration and even more thankful for my family and my husband and my children who supported me as I walked back into my true self.


I was looking for someone to tell me why I shouldn’t do botox and in the end I realized it was me that had to be that voice and the voice to so000 many more…concepts that need conversation.

I am going to interview the people of the theater at some point so I will need microphones so exciting..
