Category: Projects


Wagging the Dog- REmarketting

Once bibbitec was alive and well and living on the internet it was time to remarket. Remarket meant that we would basically hound anyone who came to our site with adds until they believed they REALLY wanted to purchase the product.
This was nauseating to me on many levels. I was an actos in Miami and most of my work or attempts at work were though commercials. I tried to be a con souse actor at first and not advertise for walmart or target at they promoted China built products and I was on a Made in the USA kick then before I realized that also meant made in private prisons with basically slave labor
Anyway- as we remarket to each ohther we participate in a game of brainwashing. Even if you hate my add or my product I will become part of your story and in that I win, I gain space and you may. Forget one day your annoyance at me will fade and you may think ok ok Ill get it and there you go. THrough the same persistence of a child I convince you that you LIKE me-and you’ll click and but it.
Even if you decide you hate me and talk about me to other people you still bought me in a way. By talking about me in any way I win.

Remember that next time you discuss someone. You give them energy…regardless of what yo say or how you say it…they win.. they pull your tongue to form the shape of their name and your mind to speak create thoughts and your voice to peak of your fingers to print.

Be very very careful….. as in acting say is who you are and if you speak angrily of someone that is what you are…angry.

An actor woudl play YOU as the angry person. And the person you are angry about..Well they are the lead in YOUR play…


Are ill actors creating our ill country?

Narrative Psycology is about looking at something from the outside. SO lets take a look from this perspective at how the film and tv world and acting content created HWO we are and HWAT we Believe.

Remember 7 times- see something 7 times and your brain will be a considerperhaps they want what we are LOOKING at.

OUr eyes give us our visions….and if our eyes are on things our brain thinks we must want that..

Advertising works this way…facebook is built this way, algorhythems that my freinds create to Remarket do this for us all-

Get off social media and you’ go through a detox a lack of information a yearning to know more about something…but what…JUNK INFORMATION is harmful and that’s what we have been fed

PAinful content is also harmful- even more so- and that is what actors and Writor s create and in that our society is birthed. Chicken or egg?

If our Actos are tapping into their pain and our writers and producers are creating them we digest it..think on it.. think about what this creates as far as a society.

Built on pain… is PAIN…sorry—— being able to NOT be angry is what we want to work on as a society.. forgive and move on reset.



Having an injury- be it physical or emotional requires rehab and rest. It may even require switching movements or thought processes so as not to reinjure a sensitive JOINT or Sense Memory.

Sense Memory is what actors can use to recall a feeling in order to conjure up an emotion. It was introduced through several American teachers in the early 19th century.

But much like exercises that have been shown to agrivate more than heal or strengthen I believe the same is true with this approach.

The actors who use this method of tapping in to their own personal story open themselves up to becoming the TOOL themselves. Rather than the Classical approach which it to IMAGINE yourself in that world.

This internal approach of using YOURSELF as the PAINT the CANVAS the everything lines one up to tend to NOT heal their own pain.

They are softly guided in the acting world to USE IT. THus is something happens one may BANK IT…burry it…and in a way smile at another tool they have but

The follow through it that the person themselves become the victim. THey become NOT the artist they become more the material…as well and eventually this I believe is why many actors find themselves with unsealed trauma which lead to mental illness.

IT is unsaid but in my class in 7th grade we all stood up to tell a story. The one with the worst story won. See.

WHen I returned to London to see a fellow actress I trained it Star off the WEst End I realized that they too have converted to the AMERICAN approach to acting but in the end
It is brutal and emotionally damaging and I feel by watching and paying for this trip of ENTERTAINMENT we have to understand that there is no REHAB going on…
NO one is rushing to these actors backstage and walking them OUT of the role… They have to figure it out themselves and that is a hard task bring that many of them aren’t even aware they got stuck in the Matrix to begin with…

I believe the clapping it what wakes us up—end of the play – it severs like a SLAP that is meant to shock…but truly——the actors need to be aware that like foot ball playing they are undergoing emotional concussions and the more they use their OWN pain the more severe the injury is and over time it will and could cut their lives off-

Being empathetic is an amazing skill actors have…being too willing to bleed for real is going too far..

I tried to adjust this during my time at New York Film Academy but in the end the whol industry that is currently teaching is based on PAIN as ART…so I decided to step away and speak from this mountain top.

IT is an issue. No one is talking about it. No one is warning a person with severe emotional pain NOT to play like minded roles…no one is teaching actors how to GET OUT OF CHARATER…and the only one really addressing this MASSIVE issue with Becoming the role…regardless of whose well you tap….yours or a spirits is Jim Carrey…He saw it…we are who we believe we are…and that my dear ones is why your mind is so important to know and love and respect and treat kindly.

PEacE and LOVE


Letting go of…LEMONS

I met with a woman who is teaching me about being PITA. Pita is part of Aryeveda (sp) and I am basically FIRE and need to be aware of how NOT to agitate FIRE within me.

I had in the past few years been drink gin lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Both of which agitate the PITAs. So I switched to LIME juice and stopped doing ACV for now.

I am also supposed to eat a larger lunch – THis is a Very NEW concept to have a large meal at lunch and a small mean at dinner but I think it will eventually be OK.

I also am trying to return to chicken and remove red meat…I suppose I can do this…so far so good. I like knowing that I am fire and I like knowing I can be attracted to things that create more fire and perhaps that is why I tend to think I like things that are not good for me. I used to call is crossing my wires…but now I can see that adding something to me that creates MORE heat is not needed.

I want to run WARM not HOT and I have a tendency to get hot fast…but I like this idea of knowing I can cool myself down..It is why I have begun meditating the past maybe five years every morning.

I wake up HOT…really hot…with flaming ideas and I have to curtail that energy into something I can transmute.
I know this in my work and now I am doing this in my food.
I still haven’t fully adapted but I am getting there.
Large lunch small dinners is more of a social thing and I don’t even like dinners..I just need to have something to chew on what I am out..hmmmm


The original idea of bibbitec

Way back it the day I used to say that bibbitec was MORE than a bib but as we got to market it was hard to explain. So we found the bib niche and stayed there.
I also wished I could print of the fabric- pictures that were inspiring..artists I loved or something that would make the baby and the person feeding them smile.
I keep thinking about this and I think I am going to grab the bibs that I had cut and see about printing on them- then return to Etsy. I won’t sew them or label them and they can work as a bunch of things. I feel a SHMATA which one woman called it (while I was trying to sell it on the porch of a paper store one of my investors wife had…)

Also yesterday I went to see Dear Even Hanson with my mom. They had a bunch of social media images at the start of the play and one of them was the hallway into SHARK TANK..and the day before we watched a movie where a freind of mine pretended his name was SHARK TANK..THese are little signs I am moving slowly toward without desperation.

I am also very much enjoying writing a daily blog about my journey to whatever this will be.



I received the email for the rehearsal of a film that a freind asked me to do. I began to become both excited and then angry. This part of me that doesn’t want to pretend anymore started screaming and I began to act out. I got annoyed with Steve with my mom with the whole world instantly and even ruined a nice dinner by being sad. It wasn’t until I was coming home from he day in the city with my mom that I then got an email that my freind was baking out of the film.

I immediately began to consider ding the same and as soon as I sent the email saying thank you but no thank you a rush of NOT HAVING TO a relief washed over me.

I don’t think I am able to really understand how much I do not want to do something until the idea of NOT doing it comes into play. It was the same with Steve and I. I mentioned this before.

THis part of recasting is a series of instant helloboodbyes. They are about about trying and eyeing how things fit and then not making too much of a commitment and then letting go at the first opportunity. It I then feel like retuning to it…well then…it is from a place of peace and not HAVE TO but rather “Would like to” and not SHould cause I can but may because it woudl be NICE.

Moving from a place of peace is amazing and the toxity of doing something I don’t want to do feel like plugging my finger in a socket and yet…I am seeing I tend to stay there a minute or two just to see if I COULD and WOULD becasue I haven’t fully transitioned into OIGN this book which in a sense is ALL about me and not anyone else…which is the practice I am trying to do. Understanding my OWN self…more.


Hello….Shark Tank

Yesterday was about 5 years since we originally aired on the show. Last night we aired again.WHY? I think it is a sign. I think everything is a sign. A soft nudge saying come on little girl try again. I had just yesterday morning posted the bib simplified ( sans embroidery and tag) on Etsy. I wanted to do it alone…in a way..see if I could restart the conversation at a more receiving time in history.
No need to explain why the product is made well and lasts forever. Maybe the new parents are primed to find a non label sustainable product helpful and spread it amongst themselves. The last few times I have brought it out it was an education they mentioned on Shark Tank..That is NOT the issue anymore..and  since no one else sells our bibs but me, and no one else has the patent but me, and no one else cared to knock us off..may as well give it a go. Not to make millions, not to save myself or my family not to prove a point too well, not to validate myself but perhaps to return to the game with a better attitude and perspective.
I so wish I could get my hands on the uncut footage of my Shark Tank show. I would love to explain how much of it was REAL and how much of it was cut together to make it look as it was. I am not complaining…we made good TV the Sharks and Steve and I but it was and always will be TV.

DO you have things in your life that play these types of games with you. You try to let them go but they keep knocking at your door no matter what you do.




I miss you. I know we had a great time and I know I got worked up a bit but I’ve taken myself out of the running as far as legit work and focused more on student film. Becoming a student myself.

I was just told about another role for a film and it made me smile. The one acting teacher who actually took my class and participated in it asked me to film this with him. I am not sure yet if the director will cast me but the idea of working again made me smile.

I guess you Ae like a lover acting. I have to sometimes let you go – give us space- so we can fall in love again.

I am still interested in that CO-OP Agebcy for actors where we train and also help each other land roles.

They have models of this in the UK and I feel like I would like to connect with a few actors in Miami and build this out…as was my original idea many years ago.

I am going to ask a woman in Miami who is super kind to take my photo and start there. Why do I always say I am not going to act again? Just to keep acting interested in me?



Yesterday I posted the latest simplified version of the bibbitec for sale on EtSY. Just me and a woman who cuts and sews and Etsy. I want to see if timing makes a difference in business. SHOP

I am going to take orders and then build them out I am also NOT going to use social media but rather the universe to push the idea. I want to see if the wind behind my back is a thing. I also heard right before I went to sleep that Shark Tank aired our episode again for the “millionth” time.

So now to sit to see is someone who has recently had a bay find the bib on ETSY!

Game ON!


Hello Dar

We met in High school. In science class- we clicked. Two Jewish japs in science class with no scruples. I’ll take the blame for our creative way of passing classes but in the end our canoe trip down peace river may have sealed our friendship.

We had other strong friendships that were born before and after our tenth grade meeting but the one we share is special.

While I was in NYC we spent 48 solid hours together and my visit with her this past weekend is a testament to the power of those that love you for you.

We laughed so hard I think I tore a an muscle, we wondered aimlessly back and forth trying to find Amsterdam, we ate a massive lunch with chicken and goat cheese followed by Chinese and fortune cookies and wine, we corrected ourselves the next day and ate pink berry for dinner…and mostly we laughed so hard through it all. Seeing how she sees the city is amazing. SHe walks through the streets and people smile at her..she has built community!

I love her more than anyone else and during Yoga I lost focus just staring at how beautiful she is.See….

We harbor absolutely no jealously between us. I am sure of it. I know myself and i know how easily hurt I can get when I feel the person I am speaking to has negative energy toward me or from me. But with Daria it is never the case.

I think I figured out why. Daria sees me for me and loves it all.

Daria has something I could NEVER fully attain but fully respect. SHe is sensible. She is able to take my creative inpetripations or a throught and break it down very kindly and and slowly in order for me to see where i might have lined things up wrong. It is amazing me.

One of the latest was my decision to get the lift. I had decided not to be FAKE and now a lift..was that another FAKE- SHe has small perky boob because she is the most beautiful thing ever. A tiny brunette that seemes unscathed by bearing two kids.

She talked me through the proces and we decided that having cute boobies was not fake- it was sensible…and having my mother with me during the surgery was a must.-

I took her advise and booked my surgery- nixed the implants everyone else suggested and now- I am sitting here. THankful for the sensible freind who happens to be the smartest woman i know…and not becasue she graduated from several IVY LEGAUESE…those are just happen stance…she has always been brilliant…

Funny how It took me years to really understand that although I am a creative wiz there are women in my life that understand the practical aspects of living a lot more than me and I am happy to have them by myside.

In fact if I rcecount the times I followed Daria’s advice and the times I wasn’t wise enough to…I can tell you that following her advice has never proved to be a mistake..

Maybe becasue we both believe in Marriage and family above everything and have devoted out lives to that in not an intense career..maybe her perspective is the most valuable bc our missions are the same…to love and be loved by those we love.

We tend to be traditional and both our husbands are the bread winners…this is not universal among most of my friends and that parallel is respected by each other and not looked down upon or pitted.

I could write all day about my DAR. But for now…know if she ever gives you advice…take it!
