

Nika and I met at a wedding of our mutual freind Sofia in Boulder about 17 years ago. We have broken up two or three times since. The last one ended in her and I hugging and saying goodbye. We knew this pattern and we somehow knew we would meet again.

So Last night ..
I was coming out of the bathroom at a Bar Mitvah for Kim’s son and I thought..stay or go…and then I thought..Stay…you’ll meet someone special. I went back out and I was dancing and then I turned around and saw Nika. I saw her like I just met her again for the 1st time but I knew her – That was the way I SAW her. From a distance…with perspective and with my own breath a little more manageable…

Funnily and intuitively I had called and texted the past few weeks and she texted back one line. We are fine…
I suppose. year was the time we needed to straighten out our shit.

She looked beauitful and happy and her son was with her. We instantly said hi and that was that. All was forgiven.
There is some odd respect in our nature of cutting away and getting our stuff together that I suppose we respect about each other. We go about it differently we have different lives but we are both artist and both mothers and wives and those roles when played simultaneously can be daunting…for us

She ended up offering to drive me home and it was so sweet. Friendships come and go and come and go and like the wind they never really leave you- real ones…

I had mentioned her a few times these last weeks…realizing that I needed that to be clear in order to move ahead fully and it was becasue I had Runi to another mutual freind of ours at a jewelry show that I happened to run into again two days ago.

And Steve is starting to drink the coolaide becasue in a stadium of about 100,000 people he ran into a guy he was talking about business with and said…it has to mean something..

I think Steve and I are going to follow FAITH this year..just allow the universe to guide us and not worry of the HOW just worry about the YES AND.

This month I already have three gigs that I am cast for and I am open to receiving more…I am going to do a voice over tape and get that part of my business going. I am booking the theater in Edinbough and the house we will stay at – and I have started to script the concept of the show.
I also am doing the Danette May cleanse again and getting myself back into the shape I was in the moement I realized I had to take out my fake boobs. I look forward to being my best physical self in all my truth..
