

What if you are just playing a character in a PLAY that ended YEARS AGo?

I have spent a ton of time exploring getting over loss and anger and found through my movement method that what is really going on for me is that I am holding what actors call SENSE MEMORIES and they are playing out in the present time. Memories of past events were on my front burner as though they happened yesterday.

The funny thing is that actors are trained to hold those memories and tap into them and in the end it can cause us a lot of emotional trauma…this not letting go…and then on top of that all the ROLES and their can get very confusing and I for one am not 100% sure the MIND knows we are joking…ya know…playing a role over and over again…and maybe the same can be for you…maybe you MIND thinks this is STILL happening …there is still DANGER…

As actors we are trained to hold onto feelings and experiences…WHAT IF.. some claim they don’t use their own life but I have found in my teaching that once you open up the valves of empathetic emotional connection you can’t fully control it…

All I can say is the more healed you are ..the less the pain of the characters or the pain of the situation you are in…STICK to you…Ruins your day…etc. he thinking we can one day draw from that memory…but here is what I learned. Pain happens daily. If you let go of past pain you will still feel pain but in a much lighter easier to let go way. BUT when you feel pain daily and that pain taps into your past pain then you are having what some people refer to as a trigger and with what is going on in this world today….I can honestly say the world thrives on triggers…not the world I like to be in but the consumer world…the entertainment world..they are banking on tapping into your sense memory and NOT resolving it but just tapping into some people have done to our NATIONAL PAIN BODY..( both sides) WHY?
it causes us to act but in the end to what end…My process of letting go or getting out of character or just plane GETTING OVER it is to allow your body to do what it does best…HEAL…and guide you through movement to a story that is blissful and kind and loving because it is right there…you just may not see it because you can’t imagine who you would be if your story didn’t exist…I’ll tell you…You would be your truest form and relaxed and light and flowing and when something amazing happened or painful happened you would respond…and know to forgive yourself and ask for forgiveness and choose to NOT rely of anger and Pain as motivation but perhaps..perhaps rely of something beyond that…something that once you build on it…offers you everything and that my dears is TRUST…TRUST yourself and trust others because in the end that is all we have…
as they say…we spin around on a moving planet…if that isn’t amazing….I don’t know what is.

I am bringing my work out to the community from the point of view of FLOW. We really need to learn to tap into our lightness and this SURF class I am teaching this MONTH will explore a version of you as LIGHT….we will work on resetting your Theta brain or your internal monologue by a magical mystical experience that is so simple it is silly…but it works…just like a vision board that is plugged into a 100000 volt watt…
Your Ego does not want you to do LOVES your stories and your pain and how you keeps your EGO ALIVE…to let all that go is to become humble and it is an act I practice daily and it is TOUGH but it pays off…

I know this is long and most of you are not readying this but to the ones that are..I ask you…please Come play with me…my class is ALL movement based NO speaking and all HEALING…it is fun and kind and might just be that thing you need to get you PAST YOURSELF…oh and by the way..
none of your friends will tell you the truth…your frenemies might…I will but most won’t because they are who they are because you are who you are and if you change…well…they would have to do the same and most people don’t like to CHANGE….real CHANGE…takes a love of acts of humbleness and a bucket load of faith.