
don’t be fake…that way you won’t have to undue anything

being fake just means you are perpetuating the is true.
But to be true is to own it all – love it all a little more and be ok with OK..
Fake is a detour…a momentary fix that fixes nothing…just like any addiction the addition to FAKE can often become toxic and eventually the body will have to revolt…fake breasts are causing illness and eventually I am sure fake smooth foreheads will be known to cause issues too…give it time..
there is always a price to pay for FAKE…the body is a temple and when you fuck with lets you know one way or another…girls an boys…young lives…Be real ASAP…stay real as long as you can…a minute…then two..then three…in a few years you’s spend days in the REALNESS….or at least try to…that is my aim…a little more real every day…makes Susie a nice soul.