my I have the shivers...when I am letting go.. It literally breaks down and shakes and releases... it is also set free and stopped the minute a truth is heard.. my body body hears and my body can guide me. That is why I speak to myself when…
the play is written- first draft
I like writing plays with friends. Talented women. This is my third play I have written with someone and I am very very excited. Funny how I need a hand to hold and ya know what...that is fine by me. I tend to have ideas and the talented women I…
Where is my sexy
she has escaped me recently as I have spent a few weeks skin my head and my mom...all over the month of February... Fuck February but then again thank you February ...I love you... I took time to care for myself and my loved ones and well...I hope we…
Hello Edinburgh
I will be performing a one woman show in Edinburgh in August 2019. I will be telling my story as best I can in hope that can celebrate my lineage, my life and my destiny. I submitted my registration and my insurance and I am all set, Except for the…
LIES I tell myself
finding your own lies is fun. it undoes you. it teaches you again who you are NOT and in that you can be a little closer to who you are...right now.... I have had a Fraxel peel. I have decided to do this to help perhaps prevent more Basel cells...or…
Hello Truth
"you can't have truth from only one perspective' by Susanne Kreitman Taylor Being out of the Male Gaze Conversation is trickier then you might think. The reason is that the Male gaze that most of us are believing we are see through is actually a kaleidoscope version of it which…
Hello hibernation.
I am home- it is a super beautiful day outside... I am skin is healing from the laser treatment. Winter in Miami is not a real thing so ..I will learn to entertain myself as best I can. I have to say that my skin is starting to exfoliate…
Hello Fraxel
I am ending the first day of Fraxel. My amazing friend performed the procedure like the artist she is. I was mulling this over for years and then back and forth this last month and finally I got my head all the way around it until I was beyond excited…
Acting Enough-
The other day I went cra cra bc Steve thought a yoga certification would be good for me...I went CRAZY- The why--that usually comes weeks later...the why is because THIS ME- doesn't want a safety net- I have followed WISE advise like this...from the start- from my my fitness…
Ode to Evening Primrose
Dearest you how you help me teach me how to calm to simplicity When I forget and try to fly solo I end up a jaguar on the grass crying POLO? when again I remember you and its like yesterday you don't judge me for trying to walk away I…