
What if you had to play…

Having the dexterity of thought is important for actors. It causes us to be in the FLOW state often.

Our belief system has to be let go of often.

Abandoning your own point of view and entering into another perspective -challenges you to the core….questions your preconceived judgement and the belief ship you are driving around.

When I teach- I used to say…”What if you had to play TRUMP? How would you get your head around that?”

Hw would have to get into his mind and approach him from LOVE? Are you able to do that? Are you that FLEXIBLE?

As luck would have it I was recently sent a script. It is not TRUMP but it is one better, Melania. I am now having to test my FLOW ability.

As a registered democratic liberal woman I have started to undue my own point of view and venture over to Melanias. I am learning a great deal about her. I am proving once again how my ideas shape us and make us who we are…and when we can release them…it feels like both FLOW and also abandonment.

I am working on this role for a possible opening in Aug. It is a two hander and it is political. It is not my POLITICS and yet it opens up conversations that make me question my own self.

I am seeing her in me and vice versa and that is tough. I can’t raise my flag as high as I want, i feel muted, i am scared to do this role, I feel i may be harassed, It could be career death or career rebirth but it is not easy.

The director is even asking me to use my self…which I susie the teacher refuse to do but then again….I susie the actor have to be able to be directed.

For the record everything in my says run…don’t do this..but the truth is….I am still doing it…I am backing myself into this somehow. Keep working on it despite the sadness it is bringing me… learning about her – understanding her- and most importantly EMPATHIZING with her.

Want to understand someone….try becoming them.