I drove into my driveway last night. The grey stoned gravel sprinkled with fresh weeds attmpting to get by my husbands watchful eye sounded my arrival. You always know when someone is visiting when you have a gravel driveway. comforting sound. I stepped out of my gun metal audi wearing…
now what
i created a method I tested the method I developed the method I trained people n the method I trained instructors in the movement I wrote a book about the reason for the method. I wrote a play usng the method of joy to create content. I made a retreat…
to all the girls i have loved before
I break up with women often. I try and remember where it started. Who was my first break up and why? Maybe it was Jennifer at Camp Robndale. I remember we went as friends and left not really talking or something horrible like I joined the mean kids and picked…
ending friendships are important
if i am your friend...if i let you take a seat at my internal caldron...it is forever ...unless it isn't. Knowing oneself has been my last decades goal but has been a part of my experience of life since I read Richard S. Bach's Johnathan Livingston seagull. Time is not…
Like you always do
nothing really changes when you surround yourself with the same people. Their perception of you is locked in and difficult to change and the energy they help you maintain is then brought out into the world. It can hijack all you are building on another plain. It is a magic…
getting BUCKED
I have this thing where I get bucked out of my role not just by myself but also by others. It feels like shit and I hate it and then...a few moments or days later I freaking LOVE it. no clue no idea I try and cling to branches that…
before we communicated through word we communicated with movement. Movement was your first language listen to your body take it to nature allow yourself to commune Nature is healing your body knows it well allow yourself to listen...with your body. through stillness at first and then allow your body to…
property of creative ideas
photo of me trespassing a neighbors house I am in LOVE with for so long I have held my ideas to my chest but lately i am pushing them out. I think this is healthy but then I find my own ideas and words in other peoples mouths and in…
I bleed into you- Still
Hard to keep my grounding. I begin - i motivate myself. I inspire myself and then I say hEY- come play and you do and then you change the rules and I think..well this once and then twice and then I am not inspired or motivated at all. My game…
If I presented my case with a smile
The pain of the situation. Or the fact that the birthing being is not the head of her society at the moment. The fact that the birthing is a mechanical job a LABOR requirment meant only for one type of being. A choice but only for HER. HE has NO…